Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


Comes with airplane case.
Dior DIOR mini embroidered tote bag
An addictive retro high-end feel!
dior tote is so versatile~
Heavy embroidery, the real thing is very textured
I can’t get enough of her beauty~
The size is just right without feeling heavy, exquisite and practical. Size: 13*7*18cm

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

More Details?Contact With Ben

Comes with airplane case.
Dior DIOR mini embroidered tote bag
An addictive retro high-end feel!
dior tote is so versatile~
Heavy embroidery, the real thing is very textured
I can’t get enough of her beauty~
The size is just right without feeling heavy, exquisite and practical. Size: 13*7*18cm

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