Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


DIOR NEW Dior Jolie handbag 24 spring and summer new product, made of calfskin, has both elegant temperament and practical function. It has a multi-layered design with cannage pattern and the best capacity! Paired with a detachable handle and a detachable chain shoulder strap, the shoulder strap is composed of a leather strap and CD logo chain link, decorated with white resin beads, and can be comfortably carried by hand, shoulder or cross-body. 22cm

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

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DIOR NEW Dior Jolie handbag 24 spring and summer new product, made of calfskin, has both elegant temperament and practical function. It has a multi-layered design with cannage pattern and the best capacity! Paired with a detachable handle and a detachable chain shoulder strap, the shoulder strap is composed of a leather strap and CD logo chain link, decorated with white resin beads, and can be comfortably carried by hand, shoulder or cross-body. 22cm

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