Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


(Full package ⚠️)
nubuck leather
Dior Princess Diana series has always been very classic and stable. It can be said that the debut of the horizontal series is at its peak.

The popularity has only increased in the past two years

Compared with the regular model, Princess Diana’s upper body is more beautiful and cooler. The color can be worn all year round. Size: 22cm

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

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(Full package ⚠️)
nubuck leather
Dior Princess Diana series has always been very classic and stable. It can be said that the debut of the horizontal series is at its peak.

The popularity has only increased in the past two years

Compared with the regular model, Princess Diana’s upper body is more beautiful and cooler. The color can be worn all year round. Size: 22cm

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