Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


Large size (folding box airplane box)

DIOR Dior’s new Jolie chain bag
The golden hardware is embellished with small pearls, full of nobility.
Double compartment pocket storage various daily necessities
The classic cannage pattern logo will never get tired of you!
A completely godlike existence!
️Love the salt, it looks so good‼ ️

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

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Large size (folding box airplane box)

DIOR Dior’s new Jolie chain bag
The golden hardware is embellished with small pearls, full of nobility.
Double compartment pocket storage various daily necessities
The classic cannage pattern logo will never get tired of you!
A completely godlike existence!
️Love the salt, it looks so good‼ ️

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