Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


original cloth
Dior Book Tote
By Maria. Grazia. Presented by Maria Grazia Chiuri
The Book Tote bag embodies Dior’s classic interpretation of elegance. This elegant handbag debuted at the Cruise 24 collection show in classic blue Oblique print embroidery and cowhide leather. The interior features zippered pockets and patch pockets to neatly store a variety of daily necessities. The practical mid-size style features an adjustable and removable shoulder strap that reflects Dior’s savoir-faire and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder. Size 36cm

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

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original cloth
Dior Book Tote
By Maria. Grazia. Presented by Maria Grazia Chiuri
The Book Tote bag embodies Dior’s classic interpretation of elegance. This elegant handbag debuted at the Cruise 24 collection show in classic blue Oblique print embroidery and cowhide leather. The interior features zippered pockets and patch pockets to neatly store a variety of daily necessities. The practical mid-size style features an adjustable and removable shoulder strap that reflects Dior’s savoir-faire and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder. Size 36cm

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