Replica Dior Bag | Handbag


Comes with gift box.
Dior tote bag series.
This Dior Book Tote handbag was designed by Dior Women’s Creative Director Ma
Designed by Maria Grazia Chiuri, it is a flagship product that embodies Dior aesthetics. Decorated in white and black throughout
s Allover graphic embroidery, highlighting the collection’s signature logo, highlights the charming style of Parisian scenery, light and monuments in a vivid graphic style. Can store various daily necessities. Medium style, front trim
With the Christian Dior aris logo, it demonstrates Dior’s exquisite craftsmanship and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder. Size: 41*17*34/36**27/27*13*21cm

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

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Comes with gift box.
Dior tote bag series.
This Dior Book Tote handbag was designed by Dior Women’s Creative Director Ma
Designed by Maria Grazia Chiuri, it is a flagship product that embodies Dior aesthetics. Decorated in white and black throughout
s Allover graphic embroidery, highlighting the collection’s signature logo, highlights the charming style of Parisian scenery, light and monuments in a vivid graphic style. Can store various daily necessities. Medium style, front trim
With the Christian Dior aris logo, it demonstrates Dior’s exquisite craftsmanship and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder. Size: 41*17*34/36**27/27*13*21cm

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