
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag

Original price was: $263.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Dior official website synchronizes the high version of the cross-body shoulder bag, a timeless and iconic product that is made of pure raw cowhide and top-notch hardware. It is not available in the market. This year’s favorite styles of Dior are all real photos. Very practical. No need to worry about matching. Complete set of packaged gifts. Box [Specification: x22x7]

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Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
Replica Dior Bag | Handbag
$263.00 Original price was: $263.00.$40.00Current price is: $40.00.

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Dior official website synchronizes the high version of the cross-body shoulder bag, a timeless and iconic product that is made of pure raw cowhide and top-notch hardware. It is not available in the market. This year’s favorite styles of Dior are all real photos. Very practical. No need to worry about matching. Complete set of packaged gifts. Box [Specification: x22x7]

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