Replica Fendi Bags


folding box
Fendi baguette bag embossed
For new dark pattern leather baguettes and medieval cloth baguettes

Although it is a small (mini) size, the capacity is still quite large. I have tried the medium size before and it felt like a child stealing an adult’s big bag.

The black gold with dark flower logo feels more low-key and high-end, and the new baguette has a handle and a cross-body chain, which can be used in a variety of ways. It is not limited to one handle like the medieval baguette bag, which is more versatile. It can be carried cross-body as a handbag.
Small size 18cm

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folding box
Replica Fendi Bags

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folding box
Fendi baguette bag embossed
For new dark pattern leather baguettes and medieval cloth baguettes

Although it is a small (mini) size, the capacity is still quite large. I have tried the medium size before and it felt like a child stealing an adult’s big bag.

The black gold with dark flower logo feels more low-key and high-end, and the new baguette has a handle and a cross-body chain, which can be used in a variety of ways. It is not limited to one handle like the medieval baguette bag, which is more versatile. It can be carried cross-body as a handbag.
Small size 18cm

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