What You Need To Know About AAA Replica Bag?

There are many quality replica products on the market, and there are also different levels of replicas of bags or sneakers. Let me introduce you to more.

Material quality:

A quality: The materials used are relatively ordinary, and may use more artificial materials or low-grade leather.
AA quality: The material quality is relatively good, and may use higher-grade leather or artificial materials with a high degree of simulation.
AAA quality: The quality of the materials used is close to the real thing, usually using high-grade leather and high-quality hardware accessories.

Cowhide. Large size (folding box airplane box)

Craftsmanship and details:

A quality: the craftsmanship is relatively rough, the stitching is uneven, and the details are not handled properly.
AA quality: the craftsmanship is relatively good, the stitching is relatively uniform, and the details are handled more finely, but it is still not as good as aaa quality.
AAA quality: the craftsmanship is fine, the stitching is uniform and neat, and the details are handled very well, close to the level of the real thing.

With folding box LV "low key" hobo-bag sharing

Packaging and accessories:

A quality: The packaging and accessories are relatively simple and of poor quality.
AA quality: The packaging and accessories are relatively good, and may be more realistically imitated, but still not as good as aaa quality.
AAA quality: The packaging and accessories are very close to the real thing, with very good quality and details, including dust bags, certificates, warranty cards, etc.

Full set of packaging

In general, AAA quality replica bags are close to the originals in terms of materials, craftsmanship, details, etc., and the price is also higher; AA quality and A quality have some differences in these aspects, and the price is relatively low. Which quality bag to choose depends on your requirements for appearance, details, durability and price.

Our products are all AAA grade products with a 1:1 quality. Unless you are a very professional, you cannot see any difference in appearance.

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